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Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease (January 25-27) NYC - Baxter & More...

We picked up on an advertisement from the Cardiovascular Research Foundation for the seventh International Conference on Cell Therapy for Cardiovascular Disease. January 25-27, 2012 in New York. What struck is the lineup of the companies and panelists and the implications for the cardiovascular companies in the space, such as Baxter, Cytori, MesoBlast, NeoStem.

What caught our eye is the panel on the second day, "Acute Injury: STEMI and NSTEMI". The panel will be moderated by some very well-known KOL's such as Henricus J. Duckers, Gregg W. Stone, Andreas M. Zeiher. Dr Zeiher is one of the founders of a German private company also working on a cell based therapy (cells that follow an ischemic gradient) for AMI. Cytori will talk about the PRECISE trial (Adipose (from fat) stem cells for chronic ischemia. Dr. Doug Losorodo (who is not the principal investigator in the Baxter phase III trial) which uses CD 34+ cells (just like NeoStem (NBS) Amorcyte trial) will also present on the following panel which will review CLI (Critical limb ischemia) and CMI (Chronic Myocardial Ischemia). Even Dr. Robert Bolli who was recently features on CBS talking about his myocytes that repair dead heart muscle will be a panelist.

Our take away message: When we see Baxter and other prominent researchers now talking in these forums , presenting data and defined mechanisms of action, it raises our confidence level that proof of concept from trials is not far behind. Watch the work that NeoStem (NBS) is doing in AMI as a value play versus Baxter (BAX) with a very similar therapeutic approach. Doug Losordo (PI Baxter) has been working in the space for 20 years and adds a measure of credibility as do the entire panel members.

Link to the Conference web site: http://celltherapy.crf.org/home.html


Day 2 Panel Agenda


Acute Injury: STEMI and NSTEMI

8:30 am - 9:55 am

Moderators: Henricus J. Duckers, Gregg W. Stone, Andreas M. Zeiher

8:30 am

Trial I. Long-term FU of Patients with an AMI Treated with Adipose-Derived Stem Cells (APOLLO)

Henricus J. Duckers

8:40 am

Trial II. LATE-TIME and Others

Stephen G. Ellis, Timothy D. Henry

8:50 am

Trial III. MAPC Results and Directions

Marc S. Penn, Warren Sherman

9:00 am

Trial IV. TBA

Raj Makkar

9:10 am


Henricus J. Duckers, Marc S. Penn

9:25 am



9:55 am - 10:25 am


10:25 am - 12:00 pm

Moderators: Francisco Fernandez-Aviles, Amit Patel

10:25 am

Trial I. CD34+ Cells for Refractory Angina

Douglas W. Losordo

10:35 am

Trial II. Adipose-Derived Cells for Chronic Ischemia: The PRECISE Trial

Francisco Fernandez-Aviles

10:45 am

Trial III. Update on Standardization of CD133 Intramyocardial BMSC

Gustav Steinhoff

10:55 am

Trial IV. BMAC for CLI: Status of a Phase 3 Trial

Thomas F. O'Donnell

11:05 am

Trial V. Placenta-Derived Cells for CLI

Christof Stamm

11:15 am

Abstract Presentation

11:20 am


Timothy D. Henry, Amit Patel

11:35 am



12:00 pm - 1:00 pm

Heart Failure and Chronic Disease

1:00 pm - 2:30 pm

Les Miller

1:00 pm


Roberto Bolli

1:10 pm

Trial II. Cell Wave

Andreas M. Zeiher

1:20 pm

Trial III. SDF-1 and SDF-2

Marc S. Penn

1:30 pm

Trial IV. Cardiocyte-Driven Bone-Marrow Precursors

Jozef Bartunek

1:40 pm

Trial V. MPC's for Ischemic and Non-Ischemic Heart Failure

Emerson C. Perin

1:50 pm


Jozef Bartunek, Randall J. Lee, Amit Patel

2:05 pm


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