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SmartDNA to protect banks and ATMs, turn criminals into chumps; $APDN

Applied DNA Sciences Inc. (OTCBB: APDN; Twitter: $APDN) sells patented DNA security solutions to protect products, brands and intellectual property from counterfeiting and diversion. SigNature DNA is a botanical mark used to authenticate products in a unique manner that essentially cannot be copied.

One of APDN's products is SmartDNA, an intruder/offender tagging system. SmartDNA intruder/offender tagging devices are installed in retail locations, banks, industrial facilities - any place where the goal is to protect against theft or vandalism. If a crime is committed, the SmartDNAsystem is armed manually or through a central security system. When the intruder passes near the device, he is tagged with a DNA-marked spray that makes establishing crime linkage definitive. The DNA-marked spray provides a forensic chain of evidence that can be used to prosecute perpetrators...

...like this guy:

Criminals, you've been warned: hooded jackets and furtive moves are no match for DNA authentication. 

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