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NeoStem (NBS): Interesting Article Published in Nature

 Nature, Volume 480, December 2011 - This is a fascinating article on Autoimmune Disease and the role of T-effector cells versus T-Regulator cells.

Typical of autoimmune conditions is the flare aspect. In the referenced article, Rosenblaum et al, sought to understand the immunological basis for this, by investigating it in a mouse model. What he observed was striking in that on flare onset there is a spike in the number of T-effector cells that is then followed by a number of T-reg cells. The balance or homeostasis of this system seems to be at the heart of controlling disease flares.

In auto-immune disease the stakes are high, as the markets for Asthma, Type 1 diabetes are very large. The only company that we are aware of, that is focused on this unique approach to the space is Athelos, a jointly held subsidiary between NeoStem (NBS) and Becton-Dickinson (BDX).

Our understanding is that Athelos is expecting data from several Phase 1 trials on safety (physician / investigator sponsored) and that the results will be used to determine the most promising direction for Athelos to proceed forward with a corporate IND.

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