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MIT Enterprise Forum of NYC & LES NYC Presents: The Age of "Big Data" in Bioscience is Here, But are we prepared for it? June 7, 2012

MIT Enterprise Forum of New York City and LES NYC are presenting a panel discussion entitled "The Age of Big Data in Bioscience is Here, But are we prepared for it?" The discussion will be held June 7, 2012 at K&L Gates, LLP, located at 599 Lexington Ave. - 32d Floor - Seminar Room, New York, NY. 


The bioscience research community is producing more and larger sets of data in its quest to understand biology and manage disease. Much of these data are being generated by teams of scientists spanning many institutions and geographies. As we come to appreciate these data as a new asset class, we need to understand how to properly manage, protect and share this asset so its value can be realized. 

A distinguished panel of experts will discuss managing and protecting "Big data" as i) intellectual property, ii) trade secrets and iii) open source. We will explore opportunities and challenges including storage and access issues, data protection, ownership (who owns the "$1,000 genome" data – the producer or the purchaser?) and future advances in analysis and utility. 


5:30pm - 6:00pm: Reception
6:00pm - 7:30pm: Panel Discussion
7:30pm - 8:30pm: Networking


Free to members of MIT Enterprise Forum
$50 non-members, $10 extra at door
All members and guests are welcome.


Moderator: Eric Vieira, PhD, Assistant Director/Business Development, Mount Sinai School of Medicine. 

Speakers: Louis C. Cullman, Esq., Partner, K&L Gates, LLP, Primary Outside IP Counsel to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Health Program; Brett Davis, Senior Director/Oracle Health Sciences, Oracle; and David Greenwald, PhD, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Relay Technology Management. 

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